Location: American Legion Foxhole Bar
Job: bartender
This month, I had the opportunity to work at the American Legion Foxhole Bar. This was so much fun.
When I first arrived, I was graciously met by the team working there and asked to hop behind the bar to begin. Now, when I say work, I really mean volunteer. This organization only has 1 paid employee, everyone else is a volunteer. That is so amazing (as someone who volunteers a lot, this warms my heart).
The night I was there, there was a retirement party and a funeral. The American Legion, on Fond du Lac Avenue, is a great place to host your next event. There is ample space, a kitchen, great parking, and friendly staff. Truly, I had an absolute blast here.
The customers asked me lots of questions as I was not a ‘regular’ here. However, when I left, I felt like one of the family. I’m guessing many who visit here have the same feeling.
The Legion, as they call it, also offers a menu of bar favorites, TVs to watch the game, dart boards to see who can sink a bullseye, and a pool table for those sharks. Additionally, they have a room with items veterans can take as they need them: food, clothes, personal care items, etc. It is just a really nice place here.
The good news for you? The Legion is always looking for volunteers! And, if you’re not looking for another volunteer gig, how about booking that next event here? It is a viable option.
In the end, I had an absolutely wonderful time being here (in fact, after my shift, I contacted the manager and told her to call me if she ever needs more help). If you’re interested in helping, call them at 920.921.8106, email jodilynne88@gmail.com, or just stop down.